Thursday, June 30, 2011

Addie & Gagne

Addie & Gagne

Teacher Identity

I chose to evaluate the social situation in a clip from the tv show, Boy Meets World. The tv show took place in suburban Philadelphia. The school is predominantly white and middle class. During social scenes for this show, the cliques are visible. Here in a classroom scene, the stereotypes are moreso hidden. His students are typically well-dressed and clean cut. Would you see these behaviors and appearances portrayed in a clip whose actors are from a low income neighborhood? Probably not. In this clip, Mr. Feeny is ending a lesson (the content of the lesson is unknown) but he is addressing the behaviors of the class jokster, Shaun Hunter. When Mr. Feeny addressed "you three", Shaun was more than likely engaging in something mischeivious with his best friend, Corey Matthews. When Corey tried to explain his proudness for some unique knowledge he knew, Mr. Feeny smirked and walked away as though his knowledge wasn't insightful. This is because Corey is a class clown and often not taken seriously. Mr. Feeny is well respected throughout this high school. He has been teaching at this school for years. He has developed a relationship with Corey outside of school. Mr. Feeny can joke around with his students yet when it is time for a lesson his students are engaged. He represents an educated man - Mr. Feeny goes to work everyday is a suit.

In regard to his interactions with his students, he makes a reference to giving Topanga her 'moment in the sun'. She is a proper, well-liked, high acheiving student. This phrase implies that she can shine in a very sincere tone, possibly sending the message that those who are not as affluent, will not shine. Mr. Feeny references how the rise in media & technology is having an impact on the these student's literacy and mathematic acheivement. This scenario raised a question to myself about whether this is a stereotype to teenagers, or is this reality?

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Teaching Philosophy

A quality, well-rounded, and thoughtful education is essential to all students. To be the authoritative figure in this process will be a very rewarding experience. As a teacher, I will provide an exciting education that meets the state standards while accommodating the different learning styles and abilities of all students to the best of my ability. I will use different type of methods, like independent and group work, research, detailed written assignments, and hands-on projects, all of which encourage the students to engage in critical thinking and become deeply involved in the information they are learning. Across the curriculum, it is vital that students are actively involved in their education to increase their problem solving and inquiry skills. Learning how to be efficient in problem solving and inquiry are skills that are needed not only throughout one’s entire education, but they are also necessary in everyday life. Throughout the school day it is important that the teacher combines new curriculum concepts with real world situations to help the students receive a better understanding of the material.

The goal of my teaching practices is the help the students achieve their greatest abilities through exciting and efficient yet challenging educational material which effectively takes into consideration the multiple learning styles and array of abilities inside the classroom. Behind the material the children receive, the district and state learning targets are the manner in which I drive the curriculum I give to my students.

Throughout the curriculum it is important to incorporate inquiry-based lessons to increase the student’s amount of problem solving abilities. I will be sure to incorporate many hands on, research based experiments and discovery opportunities inside the curriculum. I will encourage the students to make predictions, discover outcomes and determine why the content is significant in their own lives. I hope to increase their ability to investigate questions through the use of scaffolding, a teaching method used to help students build up their abilities with the gradual decrease of teacher assistance. Especially useful in more difficult tasks, scaffolding gives the student the opportunity practice a skill level that is out of their range of abilities. Through the assistance of a more knowledgeable other, like the teacher, the students can develop comfort and confidence in completing more difficult tasks.

Successful curricula include the use of different pedagogies by the teacher. I believe that modeling the most visible teaching method. When teachers are participating in the same activity as the students, whether it is silent reading, writing down predictions, or engaging in a lab experiment, the students will find that the task is important if the teaching is actively engaging as well. Another beneficial pedagogy is to use cooperative learning. This form of group work encourages individual accountability as well as learning how to take in different perspectives as an educational tool.

I want students to enter my classroom being excited to learn and engage. I want my students to leave my classroom feeling educated and working towards being more understanding of differences in our society. I want students to respect more, learn to adapt to the differences of many, and appreciate the world that they have in their hands.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Welcome Teachers!

Welcome to my education portfolio. Throughout the page you will find documents related to TIE 535. Please look around. :)